What does my membership include?
- Membership is inclusive and open to all interested in researching, preserving, and sharing information about Kentucky's African American generations. It's mission is to fill the void created where the history of Black Kentuckians have been omitted or inadequately researched and recorded. Our members hail from coast to coast, north to south. with connecting ties to the Commonwealth.
- Monthly THIRD SATURDAY presentations & workshops - NO CHARGE
- Convenient Meeting places - Onsite & Remote via Zoom
- Explore Community Research & Resources
- Assistance with Breaking down brick barriers
- Learning new research methods
- Share - Teach - Learn
- Group Chat with NATIONWIDE attendees
- Presentations
- Local & National historians, Genealogists, and Researchers
- Member Monthly Meetings - NO CHARGE
- Annual Memberships
- $30 - Individual
- $50 - Organizational
- Group Benefits - PRICELESS