Third Saturdays
December 2012
The December 2012 Third Saturday meeting was held on December 15, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. at the Northside Public Library, Lexington, KY. Gwen Thompson, Director, Mary Todd Lincoln House presented "Finding Jane: Researching One Woman's Life from Slavery to Freedom". Enslaved to the family of Mary Todd Lincoln, housekeeper Jane Sanders was briefly mentioned as "a treasure" in an early biography of Mrs. Lincoln. Little more was known. Ms. Thompson explained the research process that revealed Sanders as a wife, mother and property owner in pre-Civil War Lexington. An excellent program that made us all want to visit the Mary Todd Lincoln House, which is on Main Street in downtown Lexington!
The December 2012 Third Saturday meeting was held on December 15, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. at the Northside Public Library, Lexington, KY. Gwen Thompson, Director, Mary Todd Lincoln House presented "Finding Jane: Researching One Woman's Life from Slavery to Freedom". Enslaved to the family of Mary Todd Lincoln, housekeeper Jane Sanders was briefly mentioned as "a treasure" in an early biography of Mrs. Lincoln. Little more was known. Ms. Thompson explained the research process that revealed Sanders as a wife, mother and property owner in pre-Civil War Lexington. An excellent program that made us all want to visit the Mary Todd Lincoln House, which is on Main Street in downtown Lexington!
November 2012
The November 2012 Third Saturday was held on November 17th at the Boyle County Public Library, Danville, KY. Mike Denis, President of the Boyle County Genealogical Association was the featured speaker presenting "Extracting Fact from Fiction", the history of the enslaved Buster family of Monticello and Danville, KY and Xenia, OH. This was an excellent program full of history and genealogy!!
The November 2012 Third Saturday was held on November 17th at the Boyle County Public Library, Danville, KY. Mike Denis, President of the Boyle County Genealogical Association was the featured speaker presenting "Extracting Fact from Fiction", the history of the enslaved Buster family of Monticello and Danville, KY and Xenia, OH. This was an excellent program full of history and genealogy!!
October 2012
The October 2012 Third Saturday fell on the same day as the Louisville Genealogical Society Annual Seminar on October 20th. In lieu of a meeting, AAGGKY had a table at the Seminar and all were encouraged to attend and support the Seminar. The Seminar was held at the Beargrass Christian Church on Shelbyville Rd. in Louisville.
The October 2012 Third Saturday fell on the same day as the Louisville Genealogical Society Annual Seminar on October 20th. In lieu of a meeting, AAGGKY had a table at the Seminar and all were encouraged to attend and support the Seminar. The Seminar was held at the Beargrass Christian Church on Shelbyville Rd. in Louisville.
September 2012
The AAGGKY September 2012 Third Saturday meeting was held on September 15th at the Isaac Scott Hathaway Museum, which housed at the Robert H. Williams Cultural Center at 644 Georgetown Street in Lexington, KY. Attendees were invited to bring their Pedigree Chart (family tree chart) and/or Family Group Sheet - filled out and ready to share and discover cousins!! We had around 10 charts that we tacked to the wall - kin folks were found!! Those new to genealogy were given tips on how to fill out charts, as well as some research sources. We had a great time!!
The AAGGKY September 2012 Third Saturday meeting was held on September 15th at the Isaac Scott Hathaway Museum, which housed at the Robert H. Williams Cultural Center at 644 Georgetown Street in Lexington, KY. Attendees were invited to bring their Pedigree Chart (family tree chart) and/or Family Group Sheet - filled out and ready to share and discover cousins!! We had around 10 charts that we tacked to the wall - kin folks were found!! Those new to genealogy were given tips on how to fill out charts, as well as some research sources. We had a great time!!
August 2012
The AAGGKY August 2012 Third Saturday meeting was held on August 18th at the Mercer County Public Library in Harrodsburg. The program was presented by Sarah Milligan of the Kentucky Oral History Commission. Sarah showed the group the most effective way to conduct interviews. She also demonstrated the use of recording equipment and which ones work best. We were all inspired to get out to record and preserve our oral histories!
The AAGGKY August 2012 Third Saturday meeting was held on August 18th at the Mercer County Public Library in Harrodsburg. The program was presented by Sarah Milligan of the Kentucky Oral History Commission. Sarah showed the group the most effective way to conduct interviews. She also demonstrated the use of recording equipment and which ones work best. We were all inspired to get out to record and preserve our oral histories!
July 2012
The July 2012 Third Saturday meeting of the African-American Genealogy Group of Kentucky (AAGGKY) was held on July 21, 2012 at the Camp Nelson Civil War Heritage Park, in Nicholasville, KY. Staff of the park presented a program, video and a tour of the grounds! James Hunn, USCT re-enactor gave a presentation on the history of the USCT and it's contribution to the Civil War effort. There were around 40 in attendance!!
The July 2012 Third Saturday meeting of the African-American Genealogy Group of Kentucky (AAGGKY) was held on July 21, 2012 at the Camp Nelson Civil War Heritage Park, in Nicholasville, KY. Staff of the park presented a program, video and a tour of the grounds! James Hunn, USCT re-enactor gave a presentation on the history of the USCT and it's contribution to the Civil War effort. There were around 40 in attendance!!
June 2012
The June 2012 Third Saturday Meeting was held on June 16, 2012 at the Kentucky History Center in Frankfort, KY.
This month's program was "Using Facebook, Twitter, etc. for Genealogical Purposes: Making Social Networking Work for You" - Presenter Mary E. Clay. The focus was African-American connections and research using the most popular social networks.
The June 2012 Third Saturday Meeting was held on June 16, 2012 at the Kentucky History Center in Frankfort, KY.
This month's program was "Using Facebook, Twitter, etc. for Genealogical Purposes: Making Social Networking Work for You" - Presenter Mary E. Clay. The focus was African-American connections and research using the most popular social networks.
May 2012
At the May 2012 Third Saturday meeting of the African-American Genealogy Group of Kentucky (AAGGKY) we were: Sharing! Discussing! Researching!! We met on May 19, 2012 at the Kentucky History Center in Frankfort, KY. There were about 8 of us in attendance. We were few, but we had some great discussions!!
At the May 2012 Third Saturday meeting of the African-American Genealogy Group of Kentucky (AAGGKY) we were: Sharing! Discussing! Researching!! We met on May 19, 2012 at the Kentucky History Center in Frankfort, KY. There were about 8 of us in attendance. We were few, but we had some great discussions!!
April 2012
The April 2012 Third Saturday meeting was held on April 21, 2012 at the Paris-Bourbon County Public Library in Paris, KY. There were around 30 in attendance. This month's speaker and topic was Reinette Jones, editor of the Notable Kentucky African Americans (NKAA) Database, who told about the formation of the database and the treasures found there. There is a world of information and untold resources for research on the database!! (
The April 2012 Third Saturday meeting was held on April 21, 2012 at the Paris-Bourbon County Public Library in Paris, KY. There were around 30 in attendance. This month's speaker and topic was Reinette Jones, editor of the Notable Kentucky African Americans (NKAA) Database, who told about the formation of the database and the treasures found there. There is a world of information and untold resources for research on the database!! (
March 2012
The March 2012 Third Saturday meeting was held on March 17, 2012 at the Berea College Gear Up (Old Middletown School which was a Rosenwald school) on Walnut Road, Berea, KY. Larry Hamilton, author of Lucy's Story and Between Two Suns: The Berean Experience, gave the group an overview of how he got started with his research and the authorship of the two books. One exciting part of the presentation was hearing an actual recorded interview with his grandmother, which got him started on his research journey.
The March 2012 Third Saturday meeting was held on March 17, 2012 at the Berea College Gear Up (Old Middletown School which was a Rosenwald school) on Walnut Road, Berea, KY. Larry Hamilton, author of Lucy's Story and Between Two Suns: The Berean Experience, gave the group an overview of how he got started with his research and the authorship of the two books. One exciting part of the presentation was hearing an actual recorded interview with his grandmother, which got him started on his research journey.
February 2012
The February 2012 Third Saturday meeting was held on February 18, 2012 at the Northside Branch of the Lexington Public Library. The group watched the movie Eight Acres: African Cemetery #2. After the movie, Yvonne Giles, who is one of the team who helped to clean up, preserve and document the names of people buried in the cemetery, conducted a question and answer session about the project.
The February 2012 Third Saturday meeting was held on February 18, 2012 at the Northside Branch of the Lexington Public Library. The group watched the movie Eight Acres: African Cemetery #2. After the movie, Yvonne Giles, who is one of the team who helped to clean up, preserve and document the names of people buried in the cemetery, conducted a question and answer session about the project.
January 2012
The January 2012 Third Saturday was held at the Paul Sawyier Public Library in Frankfort, KY.
The African-American Genealogy Group of Kentucky (AAGGKY) celebrated it's first anniversary with an informal reception.
AAGGKY members were introduced and received membership pins. The Kentucky Genealogical Society, the Boyle County and the Woodford County Genealogical Societies were represented, as well as, the Kentucky Historical Society. Visitors were welcomed and invited to share their stories.
The January 2012 Third Saturday was held at the Paul Sawyier Public Library in Frankfort, KY.
The African-American Genealogy Group of Kentucky (AAGGKY) celebrated it's first anniversary with an informal reception.
AAGGKY members were introduced and received membership pins. The Kentucky Genealogical Society, the Boyle County and the Woodford County Genealogical Societies were represented, as well as, the Kentucky Historical Society. Visitors were welcomed and invited to share their stories.